Gorebridge Community Development Trust https://gorebridge.org.uk Supporting Gorebridge to bring about its own community enrichment Sun, 31 Dec 2017 17:31:58 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://gorebridge.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Favion-Image-150x150.jpg Gorebridge Community Development Trust https://gorebridge.org.uk 32 32 A Community Christmas with Greening Gorebridge https://gorebridge.org.uk/a-community-christmas-with-greening-gorebridge/ https://gorebridge.org.uk/a-community-christmas-with-greening-gorebridge/#comments Sun, 31 Dec 2017 17:31:58 +0000 http://gorebridge.org.uk/?p=1856 Hello lovely Greening Gorebridge followers!

We had a busy time on the run up to the Christmas in the Pop-Up Beacon.

Michaela worked her cooking magic for everyone, the delicious smells wafting through the open door as people made their way into the old bank building.

On Wednesday 13th December we had the pleasure of the company of 15 folk from the Gorebridge community, who dropped in during the afternoon to join us for a Christmas Community meal.

We served up a warming and hearty menu which included 2 lovely vegan/veggie stews (recipes to follow)

On Thursday 14th December we had our annual GCDT staff meal, and it was met with lots of happy faces and tummies and a flurry of requests for the recipes Michaela had used as inspiration.

We enjoyed a menu of:

Mushroom Soup/ Sweet potato and fennel lasagne/ Homemade trifle

And then we topped off the week with an evening gathering on Saturday 16th with our first Soup Night Presents… Green Community Christmas.

Our cooking facilitator Susan had rustled up a creamy broccoli soup for us all the enjoy, accompanied by bread and cheese, and a lovely selection of sweet treats.

We laid out a table entitled ‘How to have a Merry Green Christmas!’ where a number of natural products were showcased as gift ideas for friends and families, ideas on waste free gift wrapping, cutting food waste and using up leftovers.

Once everyone had had a chance to eat and browse we invited them all to have a go at a wee green creative activitiy.

Making wooden tree docorations!

We had set up our creative area and set about decorating local freshly cut birch discs.

We did this by using a pyrography pen, burning designs directly in to the wood.

Folk had a fab time, they were very excited and enjoyed every minute, making gifts to share with family and asking when we could do more creative things together.

We even had a wee bit of potential reuse swapping happening, one lady looking for a sofa bed and another looking to find a new home for one! We hope it worked out and loved seeing this neighbourly reuse happening.

We are really looking forward to our events and activities in 2018, with the next 3 months full of more cycling activities and work with local schools.

If you would like to be kept up to date with our activities you can join our mailing list, please email us on michaela.jackson@gorebridge.org.uk

Happy Hogmanay!




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The Bike and Food Festival rolled along nicely https://gorebridge.org.uk/the-bike-and-food-festival-rolled-along-nicely/ https://gorebridge.org.uk/the-bike-and-food-festival-rolled-along-nicely/#respond Thu, 22 Jun 2017 10:29:07 +0000 http://gorebridge.org.uk/?p=1569 On  Saturday the 10th of June Greening Gorebridge [A Climate Challenge Fund project] hosted their first Bike and Food Festival to begin highlighting the benefits of active travel and sustainable local food to the local community.

gathering of people

The weather didn’t look like it was going to be on our side with predictions of rain all day; as a result the bike skills track was unfortunately cancelled. However, it just rained in the morning and brightened up by the time our event started. There was a constant flow of people, with about 80 – 100 folk attending.

Dr Bike was incredibly popular, as was the face painting and smoothie bike, with constant queues for each service.


Whilst there was no track, the paved path in the park was popular with the children and their freshly repaired bikes.

Among our tasty food stalls on the day we had the pleasure of meeting the lovely people from The Food Assembly at Eskbank. They showcased and had people trying some of the delicious locally grown and made produce that the area has to offer.

We are looking forward to working with The Food Assembly to provide food for our future cooking classes and to more adults joining the kids on their bikes over the summer!

If you are interested in signing up to vegetarian cooking classes or led cycle rides in Gorebridge over the summer months, please email Michaela on michaela. jackson[@]gorebridge.org.uk and let us know what activity you are interested in and we will get back to you asap with details.


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Do You Want to Be a Confident Cyclist? https://gorebridge.org.uk/do-you-want-to-be-a-confident-cyclist/ https://gorebridge.org.uk/do-you-want-to-be-a-confident-cyclist/#respond Wed, 31 May 2017 13:56:40 +0000 http://gorebridge.org.uk/?p=1403 As part of the Climate Challenge project, Greening Gorebridge are offering three Confident Cyclists sessions here in Gorebridge.

These relaxed and informal cycling events are designed for adult cyclists who want to build their confidence and skill levels on the road.

When are the sessions?

We advise that you attend all 3 sessions if you want to progress from novice cyclist to confident cyclist. 

Friday 16th June 2017 (9.30 am – 11.30 am) – This session covers basic bike skills and cycle safety check

Friday 23rd June 2017 (9.30 am – 11.30 am) – This session covers road positions, signals and cycle along quiet routes and cycle paths

Friday 30th June 2017 (9.30 am – 11.30 am)- This session will have you trying out some short road cycling routes

How much are the events?

They are free – made available through the Climate Challenge fund.

I would love to come but I but don’t have a bike.

The Gorebridge Development Trust may be able to supply you with one for the event. Just let us know when you reserve your space.

What will I learn?

These events aren’t to prepare you for entry into the Le Tour de France next year  (but you never know).

We would love to help you build your cycling confidence on the roads. Midlothian is a beautiful place to explore, especially on a bike. We also know that it can – for the novice cyclist – be a little daunting at first so we would hope that these sessions will help prepare you.

You will learn some basic road safety, road positions and try out some cycle routes while meeting some lovely people, and improve your well-being. And see some of our lovely countryside.

What do I need to bring?

Be comfy. Warm. Bring a bottle of water. And a bike (see above, we are able to lend bikes for this event).


These events are free however you do need to book a space. You can do this by completing the order form on eventbrite here or send an email to myself (Michaela Jackson) michaela.jackson[at]gorebridge.org.uk (with the subject heading Confident Cyclist)

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GCDT urges Scottish Government to develop active travel strategy https://gorebridge.org.uk/gcdt-urges-scottish-government-to-develop-active-travel-strategy/ https://gorebridge.org.uk/gcdt-urges-scottish-government-to-develop-active-travel-strategy/#respond Fri, 19 May 2017 09:47:22 +0000 http://gorebridge.org.uk/?p=1335

On Wednesday 24 May GCDT will submit following briefing note to the Scottish parliament along with the petition and its signatures.

Pedestrian/cycle routes around the periphery, passing under the bypass and crossing the approach roads at grade, can just be seen faintly in the picture

Gorebridge Community Development Trust is extremely concerned over the Scottish Government’s ‘preferred option’ for the Sheriffhall roundabout.  SEStran, the Regional Transport Authority, has called the existing roundabout “dangerous and intimidating” for cyclists and have recommended an “overpass/fully segregated bridge” for cycling and walking in their report Strategic Cross-Boundary Cycle Development.

However, the government has rejected the Sheriffhall option which included a pedestrian/cycle bridge.  Instead, its chosen option will do little or nothing to improve the present dreadful situation on this vitally important direct route between Dalkeith and Edinburgh.

GCDT is therefore submitting the following petition to the Scottish Parliament urging proper consideration for safe cycling on all such major Scottish Government infrastructure projects…

Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to develop an active travel infrastructure strategy that will require active travel provision to be incorporated into all new major infrastructure projects for Scottish cities, particularly those projects designed to improve commuter routes from regional centres into city centres.

We are supported by Spokes, the Lothian Cycle Campaign, who have already written to the Transport Minister, Humza Yousaf MSP about Sheriffhall and more generally about the government’s Trunk Road Cycling Initiative, which is currently being revised.

GDCT and Spokes urge …
  1. that the plans for Sheriffhall roundabout are revised such that cycle and pedestrian routes are segregated from motor traffic and are direct.  In our view this is likely to require a bridge.
  2. that the new version of the Scottish Government’s Trunk Road Cycling Initiative guarantees that all future cycling facilities in association with trunk roads or other main roads are segregated from traffic and are direct.
  3. that GCDT, Spokes and other relevant bodies such as SEStran and Sustrans Scotland will be fully consulted on changes to the Sheriffhall plans.


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Climate Challenge Fund Awarded https://gorebridge.org.uk/climate-challenge-fund-awarded/ https://gorebridge.org.uk/climate-challenge-fund-awarded/#respond Fri, 03 Mar 2017 11:24:27 +0000 http://gorebridge.org.uk/?p=1201 Fantastic news. First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, announced on 20th February, 2017 the award of £9.97 million for 113 community-led projects in the 23rd round of grants from the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund. Gorebridge Community Development Trust’s Greening Gorebridge Project won a grant of £85,500, which will help us realise new projects, maintain current initiatives, and help make Gorebridge a beacon town in tackling climate change.

Greening Gorebridge is a local climate change hub and network run by Gorebridge Community Development Trust. Greening Gorebridge will support the community to change simple aspects of daily life such as choosing sustainable travel options and reducing food waste. Creative and inspiring workshops and activities are planned to support the journey to make Gorebridge a healthier, happier and more active low carbon community.(Scottish Government, 20/2/17)

This award is overseen by Keep Scotland Beautiful‘s Climate Challenge Fund and Davina Bright is the assigned officer who will oversee, advise and help GCDT achieve it’s climate challenge goals.

Food workshops are already underway, with Gorebridge Women’s Health Organisation for ways to introduce cost-effective, low carbon footprint, locally resourced food. Such workshops can now be expanded to the wider community. with emphasis on sharing fresh expertise and traditional know-how. A bike bank, where electric bicycles can be borrowed will be created, also a library of things will be a starting point in helping to create exciting, tangible ways each household in our community can decrease their carbon footprint whilst enjoying the benefits of a further contact point within the area, sharing ideas about sustainability.

These are just a few of the many projects and initiatives that the Scottish Government’s award will help Gorebridge continue to grow and regenerate, and help new generations in Gorebridge to be climate challenge ambassadors.

GCDT chairperson, Stephanie Walker;

The Gorebridge Community are delighted to receive funding for the continuation of the Greening Gorebridge Project.  It will enable community led action for climate change at a grass roots level. We are very excited to see how the project unfolds with focus on food and sustainable travel.  The community are actively encouraged to take part with volunteering and short term work opportunities

If you have ideas and comments, please get involved. Contact us here.



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Big Bike Revival Gorebridge https://gorebridge.org.uk/big-bike-revival-gorebridge/ https://gorebridge.org.uk/big-bike-revival-gorebridge/#respond Thu, 03 Nov 2016 21:28:01 +0000 http://gorebridge.org.uk/?p=1015 On Saturday the 29th November, a day of #GreeningGorebridge occurred when Cycling UK’s Big Bike Revival came to the town. It was a great celebration of the bicycle and all ages were there, with very small bikes, to very light carbon road bikes, mountain bikes and electric bikes. Some all day events took place in Auld Gala Park in Arniston, a wonderful open air venue for such events, the fruit of much hard work from Gorebridge Community Cares and Councillor Cath Johnstone. Dr Bike fixed all sorts of bikes and answered questions and The Bike People brought the pump track, which was a fun and active way to enjoy a bike not just for travelling, but fun on a rise and fall circuit.

Bogdan Handrea, Midlothian Council’s Sustainable Transport officer was there with information, maps and gadgets to show and advise on how the council is encouraging cycling, walking and public transport. He travels everywhere on an electric bike with front trailer, so he walks his talk…or cycles it!

#GreeningGorebridge is part of a Climate Challenge Fund initiative with the help of Keep Scotland Beautiful, and the ultimate long-term goal is to make Gorebridge a leading beacon town in addressing climate change. The Trust always needs your ideas and help, and volunteers are welcome to become involved in the project to share out the work involved. It is an exciting programme of events and campaigns that will make a difference to us in the Gorebridge area, but also to the planet.

Macastory told stories in their inimitable way engaging the children and adults with great stories and all while wearing yellow lycra and tartan tumshies. Music and singing and bikes, with great refreshments overseen by Elaine and her team at the wonderful Gorebridge library.

The event Saturday was a joint venture with Cycling UK, GCDT and Midlothian Council. The Big Bike Revival project saw events across the country encourage people to get on their bike or take up cycling.  All actions contribute towards the targets for sustainable travel in Scotland and the rest of the UK.

Saturday was about connecting people back to their bikes, or recognising and celebrating those who love and use their bikes regularly. The area is which we live is spectacularly beautiful and seen from walking or cycling, even more so. Artist Jackie Gibb of Temple Village recently took a series of photographs that celebrated the views from a bike and being in the local nature. These are postcards available at the Trust office for a small donation.

The view was enjoyed by those who participated in the led cycle from Gorebridge to Temple Village. Rosslyn from Sustrans, ably assisted by a pupil from Newbattle High School, safely escorted all levels of cyclists to and from Temple, and a picnic lunch was enjoyed there by all participants, hosted by Kerry and Tam, who live in the small village. The video of the cycle is below:

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw9Hji2p1Yc[/embedyt]

We plan another event n Spring 2018 with plans to set up regular Dr Bike sessions locally and support for local cycling clubs from Cycling UK who wish to support the work involving cycling.



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Big Bike Revival Event 29th October https://gorebridge.org.uk/big-bike-revival-event-29th-october/ https://gorebridge.org.uk/big-bike-revival-event-29th-october/#respond Thu, 20 Oct 2016 08:42:59 +0000 http://gorebridge.org.uk/?p=912 Events organised by Gorebridge Community Development Trust with help from We Are Cycling UK
Saturday 29th October, Free admission

Morning, Gorebridge Library
Family Storytelling with Macastory. Free Event 11-12.30pm, Refreshments served
Afternoon; Auld Gala Park
Come and try out the bike skills track, Come on your bike, bikes also available on the day

see Big Bike Revival for information behind the nation-wide events

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