The Best of Friends
Every penny you donate as part of your Friends membership will help the Gorebridge Beacon, as well as ensuring that the Trust can continue to deliver on it's charitable aims and objectives for the people of Gorebridge. Things such as offering volunteering opportunities, placements, community events and workshops, ending isolation and loneliness, regeneration and addressing poverty.
Benefits of becoming a Friend
- 10% off courses, workshops & other events.*
- 10% off single venue hire booking**
- A drink and cake once a month at the Beacon Community Cafe
* only applicable to Beacon and Trust led events
**Discount excludes catering food and drink
How it works
When you become a friend we will ask you to send us a picture of yourself so we can make you a Friend card, or you can pop into the Beacon if it's easier and we will snap you. We will get in touch to complete the whole process. Your membership will last for one year. Becoming a Friend is a fundraising activity.