Despite being Winter and a time of rest and hibernation, the garden has still been busy thanks to the children of Gorebridge After School Club.
Each week they come to the garden and diligently attend to the raised beds, turning over the coffee grinds that are put in from the café to enrich the soil. They have also been very hard at work preparing an area of the garden for a wildflower meadow!
We have received a small grant from Volunteering Matters which has allowed us to purchase some wonderful meadow, bee and butterfly seeds from Scotia Seeds. We received some great advice from them on what would be the best type to buy to fit in with our garden. We were also able to buy some new junior tools so that our younger members can participate in the digging!
The ground is now all ready and just awaiting planting in March.
The children have also been very busy making natural bird feeders to place around the garden so hopefully that will attract more wildlife.
Of course, it is not all just hard work. There is always time for play and the children have had great fun with loose parts play, making up nature potions in the mud kitchen and den building.
Every session we finish with a snack of treats provided by the Gorebridge Community Fridge which is something the children greatly enjoy and look forward to.
Looking ahead we will be planting some bulbs and developing our nature play area as well as planning what to plant in our raised beds.
We are still looking for resources for den building so if you happen to have any tarps or ropes or bungee cords please do let us know.
contact me at
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