On Wednesday 24 May GCDT will submit following briefing note to the Scottish parliament along with the petition and its signatures.
Gorebridge Community Development Trust is extremely concerned over the Scottish Government’s ‘preferred option’ for the Sheriffhall roundabout. SEStran, the Regional Transport Authority, has called the existing roundabout “dangerous and intimidating” for cyclists and have recommended an “overpass/fully segregated bridge” for cycling and walking in their report Strategic Cross-Boundary Cycle Development.
However, the government has rejected the Sheriffhall option which included a pedestrian/cycle bridge. Instead, its chosen option will do little or nothing to improve the present dreadful situation on this vitally important direct route between Dalkeith and Edinburgh.
GCDT is therefore submitting the following petition to the Scottish Parliament urging proper consideration for safe cycling on all such major Scottish Government infrastructure projects…
Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to develop an active travel infrastructure strategy that will require active travel provision to be incorporated into all new major infrastructure projects for Scottish cities, particularly those projects designed to improve commuter routes from regional centres into city centres.
We are supported by Spokes, the Lothian Cycle Campaign, who have already written to the Transport Minister, Humza Yousaf MSP about Sheriffhall and more generally about the government’s Trunk Road Cycling Initiative, which is currently being revised.
- that the plans for Sheriffhall roundabout are revised such that cycle and pedestrian routes are segregated from motor traffic and are direct. In our view this is likely to require a bridge.
- that the new version of the Scottish Government’s Trunk Road Cycling Initiative guarantees that all future cycling facilities in association with trunk roads or other main roads are segregated from traffic and are direct.
- that GCDT, Spokes and other relevant bodies such as SEStran and Sustrans Scotland will be fully consulted on changes to the Sheriffhall plans.
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