Part of the CSGN project, Edible Gorebridge, involves working with the children at Stobhill Primary and their after school garden club.
Over the course of this year, the children along with teacher Mrs. Hanley, have been hard at work planting an assortment of vegetables in their raised bed planters. They also organised a collection of plastic bottles to be turned into a bottle greenhouse in the school grounds. This enabled them to grow tomatoes, chillies and a variety of herbs. They also received a donation of a selection of fruit trees so they could nurture their own mini orchard.
Each week the children took responsibility for watering their plants and tending to the raised beds. Their efforts were richly rewarded come Autumn time with a bountiful harvest. The shrieks of joy at the produce they had grown was really something to behold. They were immensely proud of themselves and rightly so!
The children discussed what they would like to do with their with vegetables and have been very busy making soup, chilli, tattie scones and crisps. All absolutely delicious.
Now with Winter approaching these fantastic young Stobhill gardeners are looking to plant an array of seasonal vegetables including purple broccoli! If the Autumn harvest is anything to go by, they will soon have raised beds blooming with delicious, healthy and nutritional food.
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