A lot of people would rather face having root canal over having to deal with money issues.
Day to day financial issues take an enormous toll on our emotional and mental wellbeing, and it doesn’t have to be this way.
We all have good, even great intentions around money management but then life gets busy and things get put on the backburner. This 4 hour workshop has been designed to help individuals new to budgeting (or daunted by it) to create their own money management system, learning what goes into a budget and what it takes to achieve financial wellness.
A perfect chance to get into action around your finances.
During the workshop you will learn concepts, ideas and systems – in plain English – and in a way that makes sense to you, which you will then be able to take action after the workshop to make the whole process gradual and painless.
Who is it for?
Anyone that feels they consistently have more month than money and want to take control over their finances but either don’t have the confidence to start or are in overwhelm on where to start.
A perfect class for someone facing a new chapter in their life such as the birth of a child, a divorce, change in job or, a young adult about to leave home or start college.
Mindful Money, Money Matters is a health and well-being workshop. It is not, and will not, contain individual financial advice. Please seek a professional advice if required.
To Book
Spaces are free but limited, please book using Eventbrite below.
Refreshments will be provided, however please bring your own lunch.
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