Gorebridge Community Garden

A garden for everyone
The Trust was grateful to have received 2 years of funding from Central Scotland Green Network to begin the creation of a Community Garden at the Beacon. Like all gardens, it will be a project never completed. So far, a wildlife area has been seeded, two raised beds built for veg growing, an orchard has been created and a play area for little ones. The garden welcomes you: to sit in, to read, to volunteer and to play.
10 Walks from Gorebridge Station
10 Walks from Gorebridge Station
Gorebridge Walkers (click here to join the active Facebook Group) compiled a small booklet called '10 Walks from Gorebridge Station' with support from Midlothian Council, Gorebridge Community Development Trust, Climate Challenge Fund, Gorebridge and District Environmental Group and Greener Scotland. The booklet was supported by Langside Publishing for design and printing.

What is Growgetters
Growgetters is a creative project set up to allow families of children 4 years upwards, to explore their curiosity, learn and experience the enriching and creative potential of natural spaces, woodlands and the outdoors.
Gorebridge Circular Walk
Gorebridge Community Development Trust has worked in partnership with Gorebridge and District Environmental Group to develop a circular walk around Gorebridge.
The full route is 7.5 miles long, waymarked throughout in a clockwise direction, with the SCOTWAYS symbol denoting ‘Gorebridge Circular Walk’
Newbyres Community Garden
(Project now closed). Working with our partners at the Gorebridge and District Environmental Group we undertook a major landscaping project at the Newbyres Castle site.
A wildflower meadow near the remains of Newbyres Castle to attract not only butterflies and bees but a place of peace for all the community.
Facebook page, with gallery links, here and a film (below) about it's construction and meaning.