The project staff from Greening Gorebridge have organised a Science Ceilidh on February 2nd 5 – 8pm at The Beacon, Hunterfield Road, Gorebridge, EH23 4TT.
But first,
‘What on earth is a Science Ceilidh?’ Here’s a little more information to whet your appetite for purchasing those tickets for the 2nd of Feb.
“Everyone can get involved in Folk Music and Dance. As anyone who’s tried a ceilidh before knows, you don’t need to be a trained dancer to get involved and have a good time! This spirit is exactly what we are trying to bring to Science – we believe science is culture, and you don’t need to be a trained scientist to understand and get involved on some level. It just needs clear instructions and some creativity.
We’re particularly passionate about involving audiences who might not usually “do” science. By using music, dance and other arts as a vehicle for science engagement, often through community workshops or sharing our science-dances, we like to break stereotypes about science, using dance as the perfect ice-breaker to allow anyone to talk to scientists, and get people talking about the science behind everyday life!”
So, in short, a fun, friendly, informative night out for ALL the family.
Tickets are available from Eventbrite to click here to book.
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