
Mums and Tots

The Beacon Hunterfield Road, Gorebridge, Midlothian, United Kingdom

Mums and Tots is held at The Beacon every Monday. 10 - 12. No need to book. Just show up.

Brass and Brunch

Gorebridge Beacon

Come and join us for Brass and Brunch on Saturday 10th August 11 - 2 PM at the Beacon. All welcome. No booking required.

Sausage Sizzle & BBQ

Gorebridge Beacon

Summer is drawing to a slow close. If you haven't been able to get the BBQ out so far this year come and join us at the Beacon for a Sausage Sizzle and BBQ. The cafe will be open as normal, but we will be also be cooking on the coals. Prices vary.


Singer Songwriter Get Together

Calling all budding songwriters and wanna-be songwriters. Join Jim at the first Beacon Songs night being held in the Beacon cafe 7 PM - 9 PM. Suggested donation £3 (which will go towards room hire).