Want Real Bread in Gorebridge?

55 main street, Gorebridge, United Kingdom

Rescheduled event from 28th February Time 6-7pm Venue: Pop-Up Beacon, 55 main street- Old bank building. No need to book- please just come along. Come along to discuss the wonders of Real Bread, share how you feel about the bread we are sold in the shops and taste locally made REAL Bread! AND We'd love […]


Heritage Street Printing (2 Days)

55 main street, Gorebridge, United Kingdom

Apply the skills learnt for the drop in printing workshop to go out and about in Gorebridge with printing unto fabric and paper. Booking required as numbers limited (10 spaces) Please contact Gorebridge Development Trust office@gorebridge.org.uk or Stephanie Walker stephanie.walker@midlothian.gov.uk, call 01875 232202 Sharing Stories, Sharing Heritage: Two weeks of workshops, talks and events for […]

Clothes Swap for Spring

55 main street, Gorebridge, United Kingdom

Clothes Swapping = Nearly New meets Charity Shopping meets FREE! Love charity shopping? Clothing Swapping is even better! more freedom, more fun trying new things with others, Bring along a selection of good quality, CLEAN and gently worn clothing items that you no longer wear to swap for something NEW TO YOU. **Womens and men's […]


Beeswax food wrap making workshop

55 main street, Gorebridge, United Kingdom

Are you going through cling film like it's going out of fashion?   Hate wasting all that plastic that can't be recycled?   Want a more natural and less toxic way to wrap your leftover bowls of food or keep your bread or cheese fresh?   Come along and learn how to make 100% cotton […]


Afternoon Tea with Greening Gorebridge

55 main street, Gorebridge, United Kingdom

Join us for a wee afternoon get together to celebrate the Greening Gorebridge Project and enjoy some homemade and locally and sustainable sourced nibbles, cakes and drinks. Drop-in between 3-4pm Later evening activities include: Beeswax food wrap making workshop 4-6pm- drop-in Clothes Swap- 6pm-7:30pm  


Drop In Printing Workshop

55 main street, Gorebridge, United Kingdom

Join talented Artist Fiona Maher to explore the marks and insignia from around Gorebridge using block print techniques unto fabric and paper. Prints will be used to create a book. No booking required.  Have a go at this wonderful printing technique. Learn the skills required to make and take prints. No experience necessary. Please contact […]